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Data Collection & Charts


From our datasheets, you will be able to add the data collected for your client, as you would do it from a sheet of paper for the entire month of work. 

  • Depending on the type of data being collected, the datasheet used will change.
  • All calculations are made automatically by the system.
  • For days when there is no event, they will appear greyed out.
  • The initials of the person will appear automatically at the end of the day.
  • You can add comments to every datasheet.
  • You can add multiple signatures to the datasheets.


You can change the month in the top left-corner selector. Please be aware that the list of available Datasheets will depend also on the approved start/end dates for every element in the Service Plan. If an element has no defined start/end date, will be available to collect data for every month past and future.

By default, the current month is displayed.


You can show the datasheets for a given category by clicking on the top of it. The active category will be displayed in blue. Your list of categories might be different if the Service Plan has category names.

Bulk Actions

There are some repetitive actions that might need to be executed at the same, for this the “Bulk Actions” button is available.

You can:

  • Print all the datasheets (portrait mode/landscape mode).
  • Unlock all the datasheets.
  • Mark for Review all the data sheets (Same as Ready for Review).
  • Review all the datasheets (Only available for providers with Level 2 or more).
  • Lock all the datasheets (Only available for Administrators).
  • Sign all the datasheets.
  • Evaluate Objectives (whether the STO is mastered or not)

Available Statuses

Unlocked – This is the default status for data.
Ready for Review – This status will signal to the rest of the users that the data is ready to be Reviewed or Locked.
Rejected – This status will signal to the users that the data needs to be corrected.
Reviewed – This status is reserved for providers with Level 2 or superior. This will put the data as read-only and no more changes are allowed.
Locked – This status is reserved for Administrators. This will put the data as read-only, and it does not allow making more changes.


This is the common heading for most datasheets. The following information is displayed only if it was configured in the Service Plan.

  • Client, the full name of the client.
  • Month/Year, this datasheet month and year.
  • Name of the item.
  • Category, the category this datasheet belongs to.
  • Collection Method, collection method is configured.
  • Description, the full description of the Service Plan element.
  • Objective, the current objective for this datasheet, including name, start, and end date (it will show a date if mastered).


This is the common footer for most datasheets.

  • Initials – It will show the initials of the person who collect the data. The initials can be modified but will keep a record of the first person that collected the data.
  • Legend – This the explanation for each level of data collected.
  • Comments – Here you can add some comments about the item and collection.
  • Signatures – There can sign the RBT and the analysts.