In this section, you will be able to find, add and remove the administrators of the agency. On the right corner of the board, you have two options: Add administrator and Export.

By clicking “+ Add Administrator ”, you can add a provider as an administrator of the agency. Once the user is selected, you can decide which administrator role will perform the designated provider.

- ADMIN: Has full access to the agency, users, and clients.
- ADMIN_HR: Accesses all agency-level information related to human resources, like Management of in-services, Payroll, New users, etc. Has limited access to clients, but full access to providers.
- ADMIN_CLINICAL: Accesses to manage all agency-level information related to the clinical side. Limited access to users but full access to the clients.
- ADMIN_OPERATIONS: Accesses agency-level information, like Users, Calendar, Reports, Documents etc. Has limited access to agency, but full access to providers and clients.
- ADMIN_BILLING: Accesses claims at agency level. Has limited access to agency, but full access to Billing.
- ADMIN_READONLY: Accesses the agency, users, and clients, but without creating, editing or deleting anything.
Also, you can choose from Manual, where you will be adding the Administrator and the User at the same time.
By clicking on Export, you will download an Excel sheet with the details of the list of administrators, like Name, Unit (Agency), Phone, Email, Role, and Creation date.