In this section, you will be able to find and visualize in a table form all the events that belong to the client. It is similar to the Calendar section, but is intended to determine the alerts that may be associated with the events.


In the different boxes, you can search by applying the following filters:
- Range: You can select the start and end day you wish to filter for.
- Provider: You can select the providers you wish to filter for.
- Type: You can select the event types you wish to filter for.

Next to each event, you will have an icon representing the alerts associated with it.
The possible options are:
- Success (green checkmark), represents the event is fulfilling all applicable policies.
- Warning (yellow exclamation), represents there might be an issue but is not fully required.
- Error (red x mark), representing the event is throwing an error.
If you hover over the icon, you will get all applicable messages:

This is just an example, depending on your agency there will be a difference in the alerts you might receive here.

You can access the event by clicking the blue pencil button in the last column of each row.